When buying a genuine leather handbag, it is important to consider how it should be maintained so that you do not face any difficulties such as permanent stains, deformation of the handbag, scratches, and so on. Therefore, we will share tips on how to care for a genuine leather handbag at home.

natūralios odos impregnantas
“Daiva Art” natūralios odos impregnantas


Use care products. It is very important to use an impregnant that helps protect the handbag from external factors, and it also removes minor scratches. The skin of the product does not dry out so quickly and does not start to crack, it stays new longer. First, you should try to apply an impregnant to a small area of ​​the handbag in an invisible place to make sure it does not damage the skin. The impregnant is usually colorless and suitable for cleaning any leather products. You can also buy it from us!

Remove stains immediately. Sometimes it happens that we accidentally splash or smear the handbag, so we should not wait for the next day and remove the stain as soon as possible, as they can be difficult to remove later. Stains are best removed with an impregnant and special foam if the stains are badly absorbed (the foam removes stains very well). It is also important to remember that cleaning is not possible with cosmetic wipes, alcohol. Also, don’t forget to clean the metal buckles as well.

Do not store handbags in the sun. Direct sunlight can affect the skin of the handbag, fading it. Therefore, to avoid fading, be sure to keep the handbag in the shade. Storing your handbag will keep it fresh and beautiful for as long as possible.

Do not touch the handbag with dirty hands. Dirty hands leave fingerprints on the handbag that may not clean. Applying the hand cream to the hands should also avoid taking the handbag in your hands as the cream can soak into the skin of the handbag and leave stains that do not clean.

Keep the handbag on a flat surface. When hanging the handbag on the back of the chair, the handles may stretch, so this should be avoided. So, find space in your home for your handbag, such as on a shelf, chest of drawers, closet, or anywhere else that’s convenient for you. Also, don’t forget to leave the handbag covered or put in a bag for longer to keep it free of dust.

Give the handbag a shape. When not using the handbag, it is advisable to put paper, bags or anything else in the handbag so that it does not deform and lose its great appearance. And when you pull out your handbag next season, you won’t have to twist your head to straighten it out or fix the flaws.

Entrust the care of your leather handbag to professionals. If your handbag breaks, the zipper breaks, there is a stain or other trouble, always entrust it to a professional who understands how to fix the handbag. Unmanageable mistakes can be made by managing the house yourself. Daiva Art always helps customers, so you are happy to apply in case of trouble.

By following these tips, you will be able to enjoy your well-groomed and long-lasting genuine leather handbag for a long time!

Daiva Art
“Daiva Art” natūralios odos rankinė su Swarovski kristalais